I think that "beating up" on the ARRL has been the "in thing" to do for
people who think of themselves as brilliant. The phenomena reminds me a
lot of the 60s on campus when the truly "in" all vocally support the new left.
I have to say that a lot of them knew little about that movement, its purpose
or its aims. Nevertheless, the chique just had to lend their voices.
The anti-league group in an analogous manner looks at itself as elitist and
truly understanding ham needs (unlike the league in their opinion). This
diverse group of iconoclasts has established the importance of blind
opposition as important to the salvation of the USA (ala Wayne Green) and
hamdom. Newcomers who want to belong often parrot these anti-league
statements never having really taken advantage of all the services that the
league offers.
Its a shame really. We need the league to be stronger now than ever. Of course,
I am not advocating that that means no criticism. We owe the league
CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and suggestions. Those who feel that they have a
better way should take a greater part in the league not eschew it. Mindless
rebellion is not required for a successful democracy. Total rejection
based on the fact that the league does not agree with all of ones personal
views, is also not very productive. Invovlement is the key!
Date: 22 Nov 93 16:42:16 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: solid no LID
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
Scott NF3I writes,
>So where did the phrase "Lid" come from, we always used to ask....
My beginning attempts at cw contacts were quite stressful. During each contact I would copy something like.. "/fb niqe to meet v, so LID qpq". What was wrong with my radio or was it ME ? Why does everyone I qso with call me a LID ? After some ti
me and practice I was able to copy what was actually being sent,
"/fb nice to meet u, solid cpy". Those OM's weren't rude at all, and they did send me a nice card. So now when I qso on cw I always use 599 and never soLID cpy.
Date: 22 Nov 93 13:47:12 GMT
From: psinntp!arrl.org@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Source for FCC 610 form?
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
In rec.radio.amateur.misc, Leif_J_Harcke@jpl.nasa.gov (Leif J. Harcke) writes:
>I just spent the better part of an hour combing through the ARRL info
>server files, and couldn't find a source for the FCC 610 form. Does anyone
>know whether the field offices can provide them, or do you have to mail
>Gettysburg for one?
Generally, few if any FCC offices now have the 610 form. Even if they did,
the FCC's policy has been to handle all forms distribution through a
contractor they use who is located in Maryland.
ARRL will supply the FCC 610 form. Simply write us at:
Special Requests - FCC Form 610
225 Main St
Newington CT 06111
An SASE is appreciated. If you need more than one form, just ask!
Volunteer Examiners often have the 610 forms as well. VEs may
obtain their supply by writing or calling the ARRL/VEC.